Those who clean our gutters deserve our respect
September 4, 2020
Religious discrimination
September 5, 2020

Cantonment Executive Officer,

Cantonment Board Clifton

CC-38, Street No.13, Kh-e-Rahat, Phase-VI, DHA, Karachi.

Phone: +92-21-35847831-2,


Dear Sir,


Request for Information under   Article 19A of the Constitution and   The “Right of Access to Information Act 2017”.


I am a citizen of Pakistan and would like to obtain the following information under the above mentioned RTI laws.


It was determined from your five Conservancy Agreements (Sector 1 to Sector 5), that you have for the past 18 month period from 1.1.2019 to 30-6-2020, paid Rs. 944,460,000 (Ninety Four Crore forty four lac and sixty thousand Rupees) to your contractors Amir Swab and Nasir Jan, for providing janitorial and waste collection services in DHA/Clifton.


Out of Rs.944,460,000 paid to contractors, only Rs. 245,601,000 were actually paid to janitorial staff during these 18 months. (Details of 985 janitors and 50 supervisors were also determined from your above contracts.)


Please provide complete details of where the remaining amount of approximately 70 crore was utilized. Please make your response accurate, detailed and factual.

In the event of your Department enquiry coming to a conclusion that the large portion of these 70 crores was used as kick-backs, please provide the list of officers with the exact amount of kick-back received by each.


Kindly provide the requested information within 10 working days as stipulated in the RTI law.



Naeem Sadiq