An appeal to the Lord,
Dear Lord,
Since our numerous letters and appeals to the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary Sindh, Ministers for Labour and Local Government, Secretaries for Labour and Local Government, Director Labour, Administrator and Commissioner of HMC and Managing Director of WASA Hyderabad have fallen on deaf ears,
And since the elite of Pakistan is too strongly focused on self enrichment through exploitation and slavery of the poor,
And since we do not have the millions needed to hire a lawyer and make a petition in a court,
And since we and our families cannot continue to die a new death each day,
We humbly seek your forgiveness to ask a few questions as to why only in the country called Pakistan, specially constructed on the name of religion and justice:
Do the judges receive more than Rs.1 million as salary and Rs.1 million per month as pension,
Do the senior government officials receive about half a million Rupees as salary and about 2 lack (plus) as pension,
Do Rs. 40 million get allocated for the medical treatment abroad for a single individual, while we are not entitled to a pain killer costing Rs.5 .
And dear Lord, even you will find little excuse to explain why the above mentioned gang of plunderers continues to pay us Rs.14000 pm salary as janitors of HMC Hyderabad and Rs.10,000 pm salary as gutter-men of WASA Hyderabad, when the Sindh Government itself has announced a minimum wage of Rs.25,000.
And dear Lord even you will be at a loss for words to explain as to why are we not registered for EOBI or SESSI, although we have been working on contract with the Govt of Sindh for the past 20 years.
Dear Lord, give us help, or give us Hell. At least, in the Hell, we shall not be deprived of our minimum wages – however low.
The 1700 contracted Sanitary Workers of Municipal Corporation Hyderabad and 100 gutter-men of WASA Hyderabad –
The wretched of the planet Earth, country Pakistan, Province Sindh.