Lawlessness at Sindh High Court
December 6, 2022
Duty to report
December 14, 2022

False claims at tax payers expense 

When every sanitary worker in Sindh is given less than the min legal wage, discriminated by religion-specific ads, made to enter raw sewage gutters, when every private security guard is given less than half the wage for 12 hrs duty, when underage miners die every week in the cruel unregistered coal mines of Sindh, when every  petrol station worker performing 24 hours duty receives less than Rs20,000, when 90 percent of all industrial workers are not registered with EOBI, when the compromised Sindh government labour department officials allow all this to happen and when the above issues highlighted numerous times to all Human Rights Departments and Commissions in Sindh and Federation (with photographs and videos) result in nothing but  fattening of files,


is it ethical and appropriate for the Human Rights Department of Sindh Government to further waste tax payers  money on half page newspaper ads in multiple newspapers, as done  on 10th December 2022   or is it simply an attempt to fool the general public for political mileage?

The above is for your kind consideration.


Naeem Sadiq