KHH Vision, Goals and Targets
Vision Statement
KHH is committed to building a Pakistan in which every child has access to their basic rights: food, shelter, health, a nurturing environment, protection, education and equal opportunities.
We wish to create a society that protects all children and is free of all forms of child abuse, child exploitation and child neglect.
In order to achieve our goals we shall undertake planning, research, advocacy, and where possible, practical support, towards creating systems, policies, laws and mechanisms related to:
The protection of children from physical abuse, harm and forced separation from family.
Stopping the use and involvement of children in begging, industrial and domestic child labour and other hazardous occupations.
Ensuring that children are not kept away from their basic right of education.
1. Working towards creating Federal and Provincial child protection legislation that includes KHH’s vision of support to missing children.
2. Expanding the usage of KHH developed awareness videos for creating public education and awareness in media, among communities, theaters, in schools and other suitable platforms. Developing training and awareness literature and programmes that can be shared online and in communities.
3. Developing plans and actions to demand, advocate, and provide support for effective activation and development of Federal and Provincial Child Protection departments, starting with Sindh Child Protection Authority.
4. Advocating for the establishment of missing Child Alert systems at Federal and provincial levels.
5. Advocating the establishment of Missing Child Response and Recovery Teams in Federal and Provincial districts.
6. Developing institutional mechanism proposals for Federal and Provincial levels to (a) remove from streets all children who are begging, on drugs, homeless, or engaged in child labour activities and (b) to create mechanisms for their housing, schooling, reunion with families and other support and developmental needs.
7. Determining and launching civic programs advocating for the elimination of child labour, both industrial and domestic. Proposing amendments in various legislations where required toward this end.
8. Proposing mechanisms that will help the government ensure that every child receives schooling and that parents are held accountable for out of school children.
9. Supporting the sensitisation and training of child protection officers, police and other concerned government officials.
10. Advocating a system in which an FIR is automatically recorded once a child is reported missing.
11. Advocating for Child Protection Units to be set up in provinces commensurate to the needs of the population and developing and facilitating the support of systems and rules, including those requiring professional hiring, sensitization and training of concerned personnel.
12. Advocating and facilitating the set up of Child Protection committees in hospitals.
13: Advocating the reclaiming and expanding of amenity properties for the development of public parks, playgrounds, sporting and athletics grounds and community centres and facilitating the planning and design of the above, wherever necessary.
14: Advocating and developing systems and rules that ensure that medico-legal officers sensitized to deal with child trauma are quickly made available to victims of child abuse, neglect and exploitation.
15: Designing and advocating systems and rules that offer free of cost post-traumatic counselling to children who are victims of abuse, exploitation and neglect in government hospitals.