The dysfunctional vehicle registration system
February 16, 2019
Minimum Wages CAA Pakistan
February 16, 2019

Ministry of Human Rights

Abolish the cruellest form of modern-day- slavery, child labour and exploitation being practiced at Cantonment Board Clifton (CBC), Karachi.

  1. I would once again like to bring to your notice some specific details of the cruelty, modern slavery, child labour and inhuman exploitation.

  2. Hundreds of janitorial staff are engaged in cleaning the streets of DHA and Clifton on behalf of the Cantonment Board Clifton (CBC), Karachi. The CBC has contracted out the sweeping task to contractors who pay these workers Rs.11100 per month for a 6am to 3pm shift, while the minimum legal wage in Sindh is Rs.16200.   These workers are also not entitled to any sick leave, medical facilities, social security or old age benefits.

  3. As you can see from the attached photographs, many underage children are also exploited and used as sweepers.

  4. We therefore appeal to you for a direct and personal intervention to order (no new law is needed) the following:

    1. That all janitorial staff (and any other staff), working for CBC as direct employees or as employees of its contractors, are paid the minimum daily wages defined under Sindh minimum wage law.

    2. That child labour be stopped with immediate effect.

    3. That the janitors be given other legal facilities such as sick leave, medical, social security and old age benefits.

    4. That the janitors be provided the personal protective equipment such as gloves, shoes, masks, uniform, and sweeping tools.

    5. That legal action be taken against CBC for violating the minimum wage law as well as Article 25 of the Constitution that guarantees equal treatment before law for all citizens of Pakistan.


Naeem Sadiq

A citizen of Pakistan