Make ZARRA operational PLEEEEAZE
November 6, 2020
Stop exploiting the petrol pump attendants?
November 17, 2020

Chief Information Commissioner,

Sindh Information Commission

Dear Sir, 

Failure of Sindh Public bodies to respond to RTI requests

We have written numerous letters to various Sindh Govt departments seeking some or the other information. It is rare that we hear back from them. This has created an atmosphere of denying the right of citizens besides covering up the corruption that sadly our province has become famous for.

As law abiding citizens we believe we can improve the current sad state of affairs and bring greater accountability in our systems. This is however only possible if the Sindh RTI Commission was to begin playing its rightful role.

We think it appropriate to appeal to you to kindly take action on scores of pending complaints raised by numerous citizens which currently await response from the public bodies.

We shall be happy to assist you where needed.


Naeem Sadiq