RTI helps Pakistan’s most exploited workers

A breath of fresh air
August 11, 2020
Lessons from Turkey
August 26, 2020

Only after a few days, of Cantt Board Clifton raising the salary of its exploited under paid janitors from Rs 12,000 to Rs.17500, we now have the second good news  that the wages of Cantt Board Malir, have been raised from 13000 to 17500 and the first raised salary has already been paid this month.

The Malir janitors’ raise owes a million thanks to Pakistan Information Commission (PIC) which professionally and effectively responded to a citizen’s appeal for failure of Malir Cantt to provide information and contracts relating to janitors’ contracts.


The salary was raised only after receiving summons from PIC. At this point the requested information and contracts were also provided.  While the contracts clearly stated that the janitors be paid the minimum legal salary, the organisation was consistently failing to implement this requirement.

The Pakistan Information Commission’s actions have not just benefitted thousands of exploited individuals, but have set a yet another example of how the RTI law can be used to expose the hidden information that is often misused for exploitation or underthetable transactions. A brilliant example of how a small group of 3 individuals can begin to change a country.


It is also heartening that the movement of raising the minimum salary to at least the legal minimum wage for all workers, of all departments, across Pakistan, is now being actively participated by a large number of conscientious citizens.

Naeem Sadiq